Performance and Egg Quality of ISA Brown Layers Fed Toasted Bambaranut Waste Meal Based Diets


  • B. O. Oyewole Department of Animal Production, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria
  • J. Abraham Department of Animal Production, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria
  • D. U. Atama Faculty of Agriculture, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria.



Haugh Unit, ISA Brown Layers, Performance, Toasted Bambara nut


A feeding trial was conducted with ninety 90 point of lay (P.O.L) ISA brown birds, aged 20 weeks, to evaluate the effect of toasted bambara nut waste (BNW) meal based diets on performance and egg quality. The BNW was incorporated into five (5) layer diets at 0, 8, 16, 24 and 32%, 0% BNW was the control. The birds were randomly assigned to the 5 dietary treatments in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) arrangement. Each treatment had 18 birds, with 6 birds/replicate. Performance indices were daily feed intake (DFI), weight change, feed conversion ratio (FCR), hen-day production (HDP) and hen-house production (HHP). Economic indices such as feed cost/bird, cost of producing dozen eggs and revenue from eggs were computed. Egg quality indices that were measured are egg weight (EW), shell weight (SW), shell thickness (ST), albumen height (AH), albumen weight (AW), yolk colour (YC), yolk height (YH), yolk diameter (YD), yolk weight (YW), yolk index (YI) and Haugh unit (HU). There were no significant (p>0.05) differences in HDP (41.60-48.80) and HHP (41.60-48.80) among the treatments. Final weight (1353.30-1520.00g), weight change (-96.67 to 146.67g), DFI (88.76-106.62g), dozen eggs (9.67-12.67), FCR (4.26-6.28) and egg number/bird were significantly (p<0.05) affected. Feeding BNW significantly (p<0.05) reduced feed cost/bird, production cost/bird/dozen eggs and revenue from eggs. Diet containing 16% BNW was the most economical while the control (0%) was least. EW and SW were significantly (p<0.05) affected by the treatments but not ST. YH, YD, YI, YC, AW and AH were not significantly (p>0.05) affected.


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How to Cite

Oyewole, B. O., Abraham, J., & Atama, D. U. (2016). Performance and Egg Quality of ISA Brown Layers Fed Toasted Bambaranut Waste Meal Based Diets. International Journal of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences, 2(3), 116–124.