Chemical composition, physical and sensory properties of bread incorporated with raw and boiled African fan palm (Borassus aethiopum) root flours
African fan palm, Chemical composition, Bread, Sensory quality, Phytochemical compositionAbstract
This study assessed the chemical composition, physical and sensory properties of breads supplemented with raw and boiled African palm root flours. Flours were prepared from raw and boiled African fan palm roots and were used to substitute 10, 15,20,25,30,35,40,45 and 50% wheat flour, respectively in breads. The breads were assessed for chemical composition, physical and sensory properties. The height, length, width and loaf volume as well as scores for sensory attributes decreased with increased levels of raw and boiled root flours in the breads. The bread containing 15% raw root flour had higher weight but occupied less volume than the other breads. The bread produced with 15% raw and 20% boiled African fan palm root flours were not significantly different (p>0.05) from 100% wheat flour bread in all the sensory attributes evaluated. Raw and boiled African fan palm root flours could be used to substitute up to 10 and 15 %, respectively wheat flour in bread without adversely affecting the quality of the bread.
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